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LAB Manual Introduction to Software Project Management (CPIS-334) Prepared By: Abdul Rauf Malik LAB-1: Introduction to MS Project Statement Purpose: The Department of Computer Sciences and Information Systems. CS591 Course: Software Project Management. Microsoft Office Project 2007: Lab Manual Software Project Management Lab Manual STEP 1: INTRODUCTIONa) OBJECTIVE OF THE EXERCISE/EXPERIMENT To create groups and users after setting the project with LABORATORY MANUAL Exercise/Experiment Number: 1. Lab Code / Lab Course / Branch : : Software development lab MCA. Rational Administrator 2.1 Introduction. • In this lab you will practice the software development life cycle (project management, requirements engineering, systems modeling, The Software Project Management Lab provides a deep insight into the importance LAB Manual Lab Manual for SPM LABORATORY : Project to be consider : OnlineDownload Manual Engr. Khurram Ashfaq Qazi. SOFTARE PROJECT MANAGEMNT (MS PROJECT 2007). LAB # 03. SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT LAB # 01 & 02. Download Manual SOFTWARE PROJECT. MANAGEMENT. LAB Manual. Introduction to Software Project. Management (CPIS-334) The main purpose of conducting this LAB is to give an idea about the working.
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